Sunday, July 31, 2011

TOR is Coming

So, Star Wars The Old Republic is almost here and like allot of people i was sucked in and preordered the game, the digital deluxe version.  I must say I'm looking forward to it its been a while since a mmorpg has been able keep my interest for a while.  Everquest was my 1st mmo and i enjoyed it but was never sucked right into an mmo until WOW and i played that until about half way through burning crusade, but vanilla was the best.  After wow I tried a number of other mmo's such as Eve, WAR, Allods, and Rift, but none kept my interest for more than a few months, and from everything i've heard and seen this may be the one to get me back into the mmo scene.  I've missed having a game i can be excited to sit down and play when i have time and raid with friends, and who knows I might be able to fast-talk my brother and sister into dropping WOW and joining me.

Watch the new developer wackthrough

A Few of My Favorite Things #1

Some of My Favorite Shows of all Time

Babylon 5
Deadliest Catch
Doctor Who
Kindred the Embraced
Red Dwarf
The Big Bang Theory Top Gear
Two and a Half Men

The Bare Truth #1

The Bare Truth About Killing

War is killing and killing is murder.  That is that, there can be no way around it.

Killing someone is murder no matter how you try to sugar coat it's the truth.  There are times when killing someone is necessary no question about it, protecting yourself or other innocents if about the only reason anyone should ever kill someone. The fact that it is necessary to protect others doesn't change the fact that its murder, that's why we have different legal definitions of murder, such as manslaughter.  Killing a person because you've been ordered to because you're in the military or a any of a thousand other reasons doesn't mean it's right, or that it's a good act, it is murder plain and simple.  And if you're invading another country to so it its premeditated murder.  You might as well sneak  up behind the person and stab them in the back and assassinate them, there is no difference.  Don't believe it when they tell you its "Good" or "Honorable" to kill someone, for any reason, if you have to kill someone its just as "good" or "Honorable" to do it from behind or any other method you can think of.  Its murder, it premeditated and it's not a good act, don't try to sugar coat it or make it sound honorable, it just is.

Its time such things are treated like they truly are if someone, anyone (and this includes soldiers, spies, police, etc...), kills another person for any reason they should be tried for murder and punished appropriately because it is what it is.  It's one person killing, "murdering", another person for some, almost always, fake or made up reason and then saying it's a good thing.

The Libyan Situation

I Know, I know we've heard almost more than we can stand about this but, oh well here's my 2 cents.  Ignore the government lines (lies?) about why they're there we all know the truth, it's about the oil and the fact that Gadhafi is pretty isolated politically and therefore vulnerable.  The western countries, including my own of Canada, think we're idiots and believe they're going in there to help civilians.  If saving innocent lives was their goal there are a dozen or more countries around the world committing crimes against civilians than in Libya.

Add to this the constant claims of the NATO powers of not harming civilians, well that's just a blatant lie.  Just because a person, or child, is a supporter of Gadhafi or a family relation of Gadhafi doesn't mean they're not innocent or a civilian, no matter how they try to spin it.  There's no question Gadhafi 's exaggerating the number of civilian deaths attributed to the NATO forces, the true numbers are probably somewhere in the middle.

The fact that a country has friend or alies in the west, has no oil or other resources for the west to steal doesn't mean they are innocent and good.  Our governments should try to wake up and do the right thing, the honest thing if they are going to act as a world power and interfere in other countries politics.  Stop lying, stop making up stories, stop making excuses.  If you're going to do it anyway just tell the truth, the whole truth and do it.  If you have to lie, make up stories, feed us a line or engage in cover-ups, they its obviously not the right thing to do.

Question of The Week #1

Why Silver?

I have always wondered where this came from.  Why are werewolves supposed to be affected by silver?  What is it that this metal is supposed to be better in harming werewolves than any other metal? Why not gold, copper or even a non-metal material like obsidian.